Although this design is somewhat old news, the quality and unique open breast design really make the Bolero Straightjacket stand out even today.
The secure yet comfortable factor of straighjackets is appealing to many, but sadly the typical designs will cover up the fun zones of breasts and crotch. Traditional straightjackets also usually have more of a baggy look with lots of coverage, but I really dig the Bolero Straightjacket as it gives much more access while still being a functional bondage device, all still looking sexy in snug leather. Construction wise a good portion of the jacket is just like Stockroom's Bust Harness combined with the bolero portion to create the full straighjacket. With the harness foundation one gets an integrated collar and it is nice the hardware is repeated in the sternum area. The good sized D-ring can be used to secure the arms or just as a nice secondary attachment point for leashes etc. A simple leather buckling strap is included to do said arm securing.
Due to the additional leather of the bolero part, the collar area is improved over the original bust harness which can get a bit floppy. There are still other small issues however such as the bust strap height adjustment strap can adjust to really far down, but not very far up; hence why on most pictures you will see it buckled to the tightest setting. The bust / waist strap also has way too much slack since appears the size does not change there no matter what size jacket you get. A simple keeper would help this, but this reminds me I should probably adjust mine since I'm able. Due to one's typical V torso body shape, the back strap will want to fall down towards the waist even when first put on tight. Fortunately it still looks pretty even if sitting on an angle, but making it level with the frontal strap is very temporary or ones needs to drop it down to waist level. That said, having the bust strap down on the waist zone can look very pretty when also wearing corsets, another perk of the Bolero Straighjacket versatility.
The leather used to make the bolero arms portion is a lovely balance of thick yet flexible and uses 3 buckle straps on the back for closure. It can take a bit of tweaking to get all the folds where they should be between the collar area and back area so I find myself going in stages of putting the buckles on a little loose, adjusting panel placement, and then tightening the straps down further once in place. Arm position can change this factor a lot as well so in general a warning this area takes more care to look right. Proven in my own pics it is easy to miss a detail and you end up with showing a skin gap or a droopy strap.
Another cool feature of the Bolero StraightJacket is that arms can be placed around the front or around the back. The classic around the front position offers great relative comfort as far as bondage goes while the behind the back position can make the wearer that extra bit more vulnerable. Like on the bust strap, there is a lot of slack on the arms strap and no great way to secure it. I usually end up routing it back and forth into the buckle, but wish there was a cleaner built in solution. With arms in the front position I pretty much always go straight to the tightest setting so I feel like there could be more effort into making the sizes different. For another small complaint, the loop hardware seems a bit thin, but likely the leather stitching will break before the metal loops break.
Small complaints aside, the Bolero StraightJacket makes for a lovely bondage platform. Once on tight and proper it looks super sexy, provides secure bondage that can be endured for long periods, and still give access for those wanting to have a good dose of sexual fun with their bondage. Like most things, the copy houses offer junk versions of the Bolero StraightJacket, but the quality of the original from Stockroom is noticeably nicer and worth the money to a picky gear person such as myself. Although not a crazy price to begin with, if one keeps an eye out I've seen up to 40% off discounts on these jackets when on sale. Also worth noting A men's version is offered (the original is intended for females) and a perforated version for those who plan to play in warm areas. Offhand I find that girls tend to be cold all the time, so the warmth of the Bolero StraightJacket tends to be a bonus. There is even a latex version to cover the main fetish material bases.